hi there =)
development is currently on pause/halt, not sure when it'll continue.
todo list :
models :
http://iris2.de/index.php/Item_Model_Listcoders (sortof, some stuff only mental^^) :
http://iris2.de/index.php/Roadmapthe animated character/monster models are a problem with the loader-code rather than the data-files,
it's rather in depth stuff and will probably require 3d geometry knowledge (quaternions, matrix multiplication etc) , file format debugging, and a lot of experimenting to fix.
If someone is nevertheless interested in attempting to fix the issue : there is a new character-model-loader code (in lua script) that can dump the file-format to xml and with a lot of sanity checks that should be easier to debug has been started, and is almost finished (loads the models like the old loader does, but also has the bone/anim issues with some models). Email me for details.