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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:09 am 

Joined: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:02 am
Posts: 2
I noticed items like Tots or Gtots show up as sprites instead of 3d models, and some of the more jello type monsters like the ones in the perilous dungeon have major bone issues. Can someone tell me if there are any plans to make the 2d sprites all have 3d models or where the to do list is for this project thanks in advance :3

PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:36 pm 
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hi there =)

development is currently on pause/halt, not sure when it'll continue.

todo list :
models :
coders (sortof, some stuff only mental^^) :

the animated character/monster models are a problem with the loader-code rather than the data-files,
it's rather in depth stuff and will probably require 3d geometry knowledge (quaternions, matrix multiplication etc) , file format debugging, and a lot of experimenting to fix.
If someone is nevertheless interested in attempting to fix the issue : there is a new character-model-loader code (in lua script) that can dump the file-format to xml and with a lot of sanity checks that should be easier to debug has been started, and is almost finished (loads the models like the old loader does, but also has the bone/anim issues with some models). Email me for details.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:27 pm 

Joined: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:02 am
Posts: 2
ghoulsblade wrote:
hi there =)
but also has the bone/anim issues with some models). Email me for details.

whats funny is that I understand some of the bone animation issues it looks like the envelopes that the bones are contained in for some models have issues clipping into the other limbs of a creature so instead of one limb moving on its own the control envelope moves the other limbs as well. Least that is what looks like was going on I hate rigging :wink: Ps. I just wanted to say great work so far.

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