How to improve perf in Iris?
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Author:  Suwing [ Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  How to improve perf in Iris?

Hello all,

I tested Iris (2405) with med,hight and low graphic profil. The problem is the same, I have 10 at 80 fps.

example: I run on desertic zone, 80 fps or more.

I run on city (Britain) with somes pnjs (vendors), my fps falls to 10.

I think my pc is good (Gforce 8800, 2go ram, Core2duo etc...).

So how to improve perf of iris?

Thx =)

Author:  ghoulsblade [ Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

have you tried the unstable versions ?

big cities are tough for iris, even on a good pc, we still have to do lots of optimizations.

Author:  Suwing [ Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:34 pm ]
Post subject: 


I have the latest unstable version (2405).

It's not just in big cities, but everywhere with lots of mobiles like in dungeons.

Do you know where you have to do code optimisation? Do you need to have somes tests? (the only thing I can do for you).

What about performance without the debug window? If we can remove it?

Author:  ghoulsblade [ Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:30 am ]
Post subject: 

the debug window doesn't hurt performance.

I'm afraid there's not much you can help us with performance unless you happen to be familiar with 3d-grafics-programming (and maybe ogre programming).
We're working on it, but it'll take some time.

If you want to help iris in general, we always need new cool screenshots,
for example of the new water shader hagish made :
add a line to data/config.lua :
gUseWaterShader = false

and maybe set gfxprofile to high.

Author:  Suwing [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

I try to take screenshot but the siderange is to short.

example of a screenshot

My config.lua:

-- this is your local config file, here you can override the default options
-- gUOPath = "C:\\stuff\\iris\\uo\\" -- enter the path to your uo data dir here
gUOPath = "C:\\jeux\\iris2uofiles\\"
-- "ultralow", "low", "med", "high", "ultrahigh, "none"
gGraphicProfile = "high"
gUseWaterShader = true
gCurrentRenderer = Renderer3D   -- Renderer2D
gLanguage = "FRA"
gInput_CamMouseButton = GetNamedKey("mouse3")
gShiftDragCombine = true
gHideHUDNames = true
gHideMemoryUsage = true
gUseDistanceFog = false
gSightRange = 40

I think gSightRange = 40 doesn't work.

I would like to hide icons where you can see mobiles and bar life.

Thanks you :)

Author:  ghoulsblade [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

hide icons where you can see mobiles and bar life :
delete plugins/hudenemylist.lua

Author:  SiENcE [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

gSightRange doesn't work anymore after the rebuild of the loading mechanism.

there is no global factor yet, todo the same. we have to add something like this.

you can use stable for now.

Author:  Suwing [ Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Ok thx =)

but gUseWaterShader works with stable version?

Author:  hagish [ Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:55 am ]
Post subject: 

no currently only unstable

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