I'm exploring it... Oblivion is my original UO home... but so many custom hues, massing of items in single areas... it's not quite playable there.
My interest is a bit different. I want to use iris2 and the runuo engine to arrive at a third game. Basically I hope to use them in a temp fashion to explore potential game mechanics that I understand will eventually require a rewrite of both programs and complete graphic overhaul.
The map that was build for the Iris2 test world... how did that work out? Good size for less than 50 players? Is this still available?
Right now I look at the game UO and see many flaws placed into the game for convenience or not fixed due to the desire to add new content rather than perfect game mechanics and world physics to govern a world for adventure. A small list of irritants:
Bronze ore does not exist. Why didn't they make tin ore and allow you to alloy copper and tin for bronze? Locking of skills and stats... these should be fluid as the character "lives" and decay if unused. Trees should be "cleared" when a lumberjack is done, respawn or not...
And Magic, gahh....
But I am looking forward to learning more about both programs and what works between them well enough for basic gameplay, and build on that.
Probably less of a mmorpg than a small world for friends, but we'll see. Should luck be with us and interest develop, credits for Iris2, RunUo and UO as inspiration and launch pad will be given with accolades!