I made the basic House Builder Client side gump it lacks the code to make it works but the graphics are there how they are supose to anyways heres all the files you can open them up in the gumpstudio or edit the .lua file directly hopefully this helps you guys out a little
EDIT: this bar is now on the svn
EDIT: Yet another item I made from scatch a none osi Hotbar idk if you would want to impliment this or not its just a gump no code but basically I want it integrated into the macro system to use it just place a spell or skill icon on it or an item and press the button specified F1 thru F8 also there are 5 different hot bars you can set to have many different ones. Anyways heres the gump I made and a screenshot since its none osi.
New Hotbar gump has no function though:
-- Created 8/28/2008 11:42:45 PM, with GumpStudio & Iris2 Lua Export Plugin
-- Exported Iris2 GumpExporter ver 1.0.
local hotbarGump = {}
hotbarGump.dialogId = 1200001
hotbarGump.x = 0
hotbarGump.y = 0
hotbarGump.Data =
"{ page 0 }" ..
"{ resizepic 0 0 9260 574 90 slotback1 }" ..
"{ resizepic 10 15 9270 64 64 slotback2 }" ..
"{ resizepic 76 15 9270 64 64 slotback3 }" ..
"{ resizepic 142 15 9270 64 64 slotback4 }" ..
"{ resizepic 208 15 9270 64 64 slotback5 }" ..
"{ resizepic 274 15 9270 64 64 slotback6 }" ..
"{ resizepic 340 15 9270 64 64 slotback7 }" ..
"{ resizepic 406 15 9270 64 64 slotback8 }" ..
"{ resizepic 472 15 9270 64 64 slotback9 }" ..
"{ text 33 37 0 0 f1 }" ..
"{ text 96 37 0 1 f2 }" ..
"{ text 161 37 0 2 f3 }" ..
"{ text 226 37 0 3 f4 }" ..
"{ text 292 37 0 4 f5 }" ..
"{ text 358 37 0 5 f6 }" ..
"{ text 425 37 0 6 f7 }" ..
"{ text 491 37 0 7 f8 }" ..
"{ text 550 7 0 8 one }" ..
"{ button 543 29 250 251 1 0 0 upbar }" ..
"{ button 543 52 252 253 1 0 1 downbar }"
hotbarGump.textline = {
[0] = "F1",
[1] = "F2",
[2] = "F3",
[3] = "F4",
[4] = "F5",
[5] = "F6",
[6] = "F7",
[7] = "F8",
[8] = "1",
hotbarGump.functions = {
-- Up Bar
[0] = function (widget,mousebutton) if (mousebutton == 1) then widget.dialog:Close() gHotBarDialog = nil end end,
-- Down Bar
[1] = function (widget,mousebutton) if (mousebutton == 1) then widget.dialog:Close() gHotBarDialog = nil end end,
kClientSideGump_HotBar = hotbarGump
gHotBarDialog = nil
function OpenHotBar()
if not(gHotBarDialog) then
local dialog = GumpParser( hotbarGump, true )
-- overwrite the onMouseDown function from gumpparser
dialog.onMouseDown = function (widget,mousebutton)
if (mousebutton == 2) then widget.dialog:Close() gHotBarDialog = nil end
if (mousebutton == 1) then widget.dialog:BringToFront() gui.StartMoveDialog(widget.dialog.rootwidget) end
gHotBarDialog = dialog