not sure what you mean by animation, i suppose animated 3d models :
animation is tricky due to all equipment/armor/weapons etc needing all the animations,
but if you use the ogre model exporter and pick the right names for animation sequences you should be able to get it running.
animnames :
-- GetAnimName(400,23) looks in Human.lst for animid 23 and returns "Horse_Walk_01"
-- determines "type" (human,animal,monster,sea,other) from the second column in the Models.txt
-- Human.lst : 23 Horse_Walk_01
function GetAnimName (mobileartid,animid) ... end
is a file in the uo data files, models/ dir.
for shaders you have to edit the .material files in data, see ogre docs :
http://www.ogre3d.org/docs/manual/manua ... C_Contentseither provide your own shader, or download the ogre demos and check what shaders they are using.