I wanted to test out Iris and see how well it does on a shard I play on. Please bear in mind all I've done is install it and point it to my Ultima Online folder so I don't know if I'm missing a step but I couldn't find anything to the contrary. Anyhow, upon trying to start up this is what I get:
:: Fri Sep 11 23:37:05 2009
error running function `Main': ../lua/lib.stitchin.lua:28: bad argument #1 to 'lines' (C:/Program Files (x86)/Ultima Online 2D/stitchin.def: No such file or directory)
[C]: in function `lines'
../lua/lib.stitchin.lua:28: in function `CreateStitchinLoader'
../lua/lib.loading.lua:136: in function `Load_Stitchin'
../lua/lib.loading.lua:308: in function `PreLoad'
..//lua/main.lua:438: in function <..//lua/main.lua:362>
Is my shard not compatible or is there something I may have missed? Please advise if you would.
Thanks in advance