I guess the message on the right "failed to display HTML document" is the failure for info display, but although it show "update finished", the update does not seem ok. If it's a temporary error caused by a server failure i guess i can wait.
Beside that, 2d seems OK, 3d does not work so far, maybe because of the failed update :
error running function `Main': ../lua/lib.granny.lua:89: ERROR bodyinfo for skeleton not found 400
[C]: in function `assert'
../lua/lib.granny.lua:89: in function `GetOrCreateSkeleton'
../lua/lib.bodygfx.lua:286: in function `CreateBodyGfxPartsFromModelIDArray'
../lua/lib.bodygfx.lua:155: in function `Update'
../lua/lib.3d.dynamic.lua:304: in function `AddCorpseItem'
../lua/lib.3d.dynamic.lua:336: in function `AddDynamicItem'
../lua/obj/obj.dynamic.lua:157: in function `Update'
../lua/obj/obj.dynamic.lua:76: in function `CreateOrUpdateDynamic'
../lua/net/net.dynamic.lua:92: in function `handler'
../lua/lib.protocol.lua:70: in function `HandlePacket'
../lua/lib.protocol.lua:49: in function `HandlePackets'
..//lua/main.lua:619: in function `MainStep'
..//lua/main.lua:497: in function <..//lua/main.lua:385>
If this error remains after running the updater and you think this is a bug
please check the BugTracker at
www.iris2.deand report it if it is not already known.
Please also append the logfile in bin/stacktrace.log to your bugreport.
But it's strange i was the only one to report it. I was under the impression that iris2 was quite more popular and old, or is it still a bit experimental and geek-only project ?
