I'll start the post with a description of the bug.
In this image I hear the sounds of the fish falling to the ground (because the players can't take more weight) on the right speaker, that's OK

In this image I changed the camera to first person view. Now I also hear the sounds on the right speaker. Another OK photo.

Now I turn my player and I look at the opposite direction, then the players are on the left. There is the bug: I continue hearing sounds from the right!!! But on the right there isn't anyone.

Is not an important bug, but is difficult to see this bug, so I posted it. Thanks for reading!
EDIT: I'm using Iris, compiled with Fmod support and without Openal support (it fails to compile) in Debian GNU/Linux.
EDIT2: Build 3134 (I know that it isn't the last build, but is a difficult to see bug, so probably It is not solved already) 32 Bits.