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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:24 pm 
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Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:20 pm
Posts: 1431
Ok good!

So the OpenGL driver is the Problem :roll: .

_________________ |!/crank_gaming

PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:34 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:40 am
Posts: 32
Location: Deutschland, TH
Schneiderpuppe - > Help Button
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 025CAC78 nil
PingStep NextTimeUpdateDetected t/next 377663 438601

[C]: in function `PopNetUint8'
..//lugre/lua/lib.fifo.lua:42: in function `FIFO_PopZeroTerminatedString
../lua/net/net.other.lua:126: in function `handler'
../lua/lib.protocol.lua:121: in function `HandlePacket'
../lua/lib.protocol.lua:88: in function `HandlePackets'
..//lua/main.lua:658: in function `MainStep'
..//lua/main.lua:593: in function <..//lua/main.lua:469>
ERROR : ..\lugre\include\lugre_fifo.h:406: (in function Lugre::cFIFO::PeekRaw):
mpBuf=0 or dest=0 or FIFO underrun
If this error remains after running the updater and you think this is a bug
please check the BugTracker at
and report it if it is not already known.
Please also append the logfile in bin/stacktrace.log to your bugreport.

I was dead and revived myself again with the healer. Then I wanted to open my corpse. There came of the Error.
The corpse is also not to be seen on the ground, only with STRG + SCHIFT.
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=659 full_len=672 typeid=0xdd,
NET: attack refused
NET: attack refused
kPacket_Death 2
you are dead
FMOD error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
warning, cUOSpriteBlock:AddAnim load uoanim failed 523 106 999
1309 fallback 13 5
Gui_StopMouseMoveWidget table: 0DF29238 768 490 965 631
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:You cannot pick that up.
NET : Get_Item_Failed You cannot pick that up.
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 0D754D48 nil
LuaErrorHandler start

LuaErrorHandler end

ERROR : LuaError
error running function `Main': ../lua/net/net.generic.lua:188: attempt to perfor
m arithmetic on global 'packetsize' (a nil value)

../lua/net/net.generic.lua:188: in function `handler'
../lua/lib.protocol.lua:121: in function `HandlePacket'
../lua/lib.protocol.lua:88: in function `HandlePackets'
..//lua/main.lua:658: in function `MainStep'
..//lua/main.lua:593: in function <..//lua/main.lua:469>
If this error remains after running the updater and you think this is a bug
please check the BugTracker at
and report it if it is not already known.
Please also append the logfile in bin/stacktrace.log to your bugreport.

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

ERROR : Abort Signal Detected
If this error remains after running the updater and you think this is a bug
please check the BugTracker at
and report it if it is not already known.
Please also append the logfile in bin/stacktrace.log to your bugreport.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:38 pm 
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Joined: Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:28 pm
Posts: 823
Location: Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Your whole network protocol seems messed up with those errors flying left right and center.

are those errors happening only when you're doing specific things or doesn't it matter what you do ?

does the shard require a custom patch for the client ?

did you specifiy a special client version in your config/shards/pergon.xml ?
maybe a lower version might work better.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:47 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:40 am
Posts: 32
Location: Deutschland, TH
Your whole network protocol seems messed up with those errors flying left right and center.

Was soll ich da machen? Ich glaube kaum das man da was ändern kann.

are those errors happening only when you're doing specific things or doesn't it matter what you do ?

Das was ich mache ist von Bedeutung, ich suche keine unsinnigen Errors.
1. Wenn ich mit Iris2 Spiele habe ich 2 Courser Windows mause und Client der hinter der Windows Maus hinterherrennt. Das ist ein Problem, das ich nicht beheben kann oder weiß wie.

2. Ich kann keine Leichen Plündern oder meine eigene Leer machen. Aus dem grunde kann ich nicht mal beute machen.

3. Der Hilfe Button hat für Anfänger eine Bedeutung.

does the shard require a custom patch for the client ? (Übersetzt? Verlangt der Shard ein Kundenpatch für den Client?)

Nein. Pergon macht nur Spiele speziefische Updates. Der Cliend Patch bleibt gleich. Er lässt sich nicht mal patchen.

did you specifiy a special client version in your config/shards/pergon.xml ? Versteh ich nicht. (Übersetzt? Wollt Ihr eine Spezial Cliend Version in config/shards/pergon.xml? )

Iris Clined Version? Kann man mal Probieren. Aber Iris hat noch nie richtig Funktioniert. Troz das der Client damals überhaupt nicht in betracht gezogen wurde weil er untauglich war, habt ihr was draus gemacht. Ich bin der meinung nun soll eure Arbeit auch bei uns anerkannt werden in dem der Letzte feinschliff gemacht wird. Deshalb ist die Version egal.

Oder meinst du ob wir besondere einstellungen in der pergon.xml benötigen?
Das wäre sinvoll. Wenn man die config.Lua dort mit reinbringen kann. gLanguage="DEU" meine ich damit. Oder die Optionen im Iris2 dort schon mal fertig drinne hat.

Bisheriges Fazit:
Am anfang konnte man sich den Client nur anschauen und rumrennen. Gestern hab ich 3 Einhörner gekillt. Konnte sie nicht Plündern aber Blut entnehmen und Killen. Das ist doch schon mal was. Beamen und Zauber gehen also ^^. Auch wenn die Grafic da spinnt. Das ist aber das Letzte Problem um das wir uns kümmern. Was meinst du, wenn du dir mal Pergon selber anschaust und es mit Iris2 Versuchst?. Ich könnte dir einen Acc borgen.

(UO Mondain's Legacy)
(UO Version 5.0.6d (Patch 34))

Besitzt du Skype?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:15 am 
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Joined: Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:28 pm
Posts: 823
Location: Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Wenn du zumindest normal rumlaufen kannst ohne dass dir alles explodiert ist das schonmal gut,
ich hatte nur den eindruck dass wir geister jagen und das problem vielleicht etwas ganz anderes ist.
Der server ist Pol-basiert oder ? vermutlich deshalb, ich glaub die meisten die wir bisher getestet haben sind entweder runuo oder uralt-pol versionen.

2 cursors : im fullscreen mode lässt sich der zweite abschalten, im windowmode leider nicht ohne die maus zu fangen.
im paperdoll : options menu gibts nen punkt zum umschalten
oder für dauer grab, aber nicht empfohlen : config/shards/deinshard.xml :
<boolean key="gbHideMouse">true</boolean>
<boolean key="gbGrabInput">true</boolean>

wegen den fehlern/leiche plündern bastel ich dir nachher was.

patch : "custom" nicht im sinne von kunde sondern "maßgeschneidert" / besonders für pergon angepasst.
Hätte ja sein können dass die ein paar besonderheiten in den orginal-client eingebaut haben, aber hätte mich gewundert, ist recht aufwändig da dran rumzuhacken. Wollte es nur ausschliessen =)

client version : man kann per config einstellen welche "orginal-client version" iris an den server sendet,
dementsprechend kann sich der server im netzwerkprotokoll anders verhalten.
Aber da würd ich eher abraten, die default-einstellung von iris müsste besser gehen als etwas besonderes.

skypename : ghoulsblade2 , aber kein voicechat bitte.
a) ich hab kein so dolles headset und hasse telefonieren
b) ich habs gern in textform für nachher nochmal nachschauen und zum dokumentieren falls später noch jemand ein ähnliches problem hat.

acc können wir später versuchen wenn wir so nicht weiterkommen, im moment würd ich aus zeitmangel lieber so weitermachen dass du mir die fehlermeldung schickst.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:42 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:40 am
Posts: 32
Location: Deutschland, TH
Ja Pol 099 Core

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:13 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:40 am
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Location: Deutschland, TH

WARNING ! kPacket_Generic_Command : subcmd 0x18 (used=41 size=49) popped to few
todo : 2dmode : UpdateDynamicItemPos
NET: attack refused
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 0F0C32E8 nil
HandlePartySystemMessage, subsubcmd,totalsize= 2 11
kPartySubCmd_RemoveMembers: list cleared 12814149
multitexterrain:LoadNearbyData zunit switch
EditText SetFocus table: 0EE72CD8
SendChat Kalle kaufen
#sendchat,plain DEU
######### kPacket_Shop_Data containerid: 1449268563
##SHOP-Sort by content order
shopitem 0x9ea 0x455 4000 amt=3 Blackrock
shopitem 0xf91 0x0 8000 amt=1 Wyrmherz
shopitem 0xf82 0x0 6000 amt=2 Drachenblut
shopitem 0xf80 0x0 8000 amt=1 Daemonenknochen
shopitem 0xe2e 0x0 60 amt=1 Kristallkugel
shopitem 0xe2d 0x0 60 amt=1 Kristallkugel
######### kPacket_Shop_Data containerid: 1449268564
(empty shop)
Renderer2D:SetZoom 1.4142135623731
LuaErrorHandler start

LuaErrorHandler end

ERROR : LuaError
error running function `Main': ../lua/net/net.generic.lua:188: attempt to perfor
m arithmetic on global 'packetsize' (a nil value)

../lua/net/net.generic.lua:188: in function `handler'
../lua/lib.protocol.lua:121: in function `HandlePacket'
../lua/lib.protocol.lua:88: in function `HandlePackets'
..//lua/main.lua:658: in function `MainStep'
..//lua/main.lua:593: in function <..//lua/main.lua:469>
If this error remains after running the updater and you think this is a bug
please check the BugTracker at
and report it if it is not already known.
Please also append the logfile in bin/stacktrace.log to your bugreport.

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

ERROR : Abort Signal Detected
If this error remains after running the updater and you think this is a bug
please check the BugTracker at
and report it if it is not already known.
Please also append the logfile in bin/stacktrace.log to your bugreport.

Ich glaub zu Wissen was hier Schiefleuft. Ich habe hier den Händler angeklickt. Wenn wir unsere Leichen, NPC´s anklicken
kommt ein kleines Fenster in dennen Optionen stehen. Leiche = Option: Looten.
Bei einem NPC kann man ihn ansprechen oder die Optionen benutzen, wenn man nicht weiß was er anbietet.
NPC = Optionen: Kaufen, Verkaufen, oder Mondstein, Artefaktbuch oder Karma oder sowas.

File comment: So siht das aus
Window.jpg [ 155.84 KiB | Viewed 48122 times ]
PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:33 am 
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Location: Munich, Bavaria, Germany
fix committet, bitte mal updater : unstable updaten und nochmal ausprobieren

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:46 am 
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Joined: Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:28 pm
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Location: Munich, Bavaria, Germany
(skype) -> fix hat geklappt

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:00 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:40 am
Posts: 32
Location: Deutschland, TH
Wegen der Leiche

Leichenfehle2r.jpg [ 130.82 KiB | Viewed 48122 times ]
PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:16 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:40 am
Posts: 32
Location: Deutschland, TH
Hier ist noch ein Kleines Problem mit dem Fenster.

Leiche Grafoc fehlert.jpg
Leiche Grafoc fehlert.jpg [ 46 KiB | Viewed 48120 times ]
PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:14 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:40 am
Posts: 32
Location: Deutschland, TH
Leiche Mensch: 0x2006=8198(Corpse),hue=1002
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=659 full_len=672 typeid=0xdd,
NET: attack refused
NET: attack refused
kPacket_Death 2
you are dead
warning, cUOSpriteBlock:AddAnim load uoanim failed 523 109 999
1309 fallback 13 5
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 0F335260 nil
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=560 full_len=561 typeid=0xdd,
HEAL! 16 53415
FMOD error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
PingStep NextTimeUpdateDetected t/next 74288 135210
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 0F335260 nil
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:You cannot pick that up.
NET : Get_Item_Failed You cannot pick that up.
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:That is too far away.
NET : Get_Item_Failed That is too far away.
Gui_StopMouseMoveWidget table: 163A4F50 200 100 557 289
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 0F335260 nil
FMOD error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.

Leiche Elf: 0x2006=8198(Corpse),hue=1309
(Hab mich gekillt, dann Leiche gelootet.)
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=659 full_len=672 typeid=0xdd,
NET: attack refused
NET: attack refused
warning, cUOSpriteBlock:AddAnim load uoanim failed 523 105 999
1309 fallback 13 5
kPacket_Death 2
you are dead
FMOD error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
PingStep NextTimeUpdateDetected t/next 76659 137628
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 024328A8 nil
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 024328A8 nil
FMOD error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
PingStep NextTimeUpdateDetected t/next 137656 198640
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 024328A8 nil
FMOD error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 024328A8 nil
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 024328A8 nil
PingStep NextTimeUpdateDetected t/next 198668 259652
FMOD error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 024328A8 nil

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:24 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:40 am
Posts: 32
Location: Deutschland, TH
Get_Item_Failed:You cannot pick that up.
Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed. (Items sind trozdem noch da)
Das sieht aus wie etwas das Fehler macht. Wird aber nicht als Error gekenzeichnet. Ist das Normal?
Kann man die Gewichts meldung reduzieren das Spamt. Es reicht wenn das Übergewicht 1234/345 rot gekenzeichnet ist oben.

(Das ist aber nebensächlich!!!!)

FMOD error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 024328A8 nil
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:You cannot pick that up.
NET : Get_Item_Failed You cannot pick that up.
Gui_StopMouseMoveWidget table: 0F31E008 -17 -24 0 -11
Gui_StopMouseMoveWidget table: 1D6C7FE0 200 100 605 419
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 024328A8 nil
dragdrop:drop on mousepickhit
Gui_StopMouseMoveWidget table: 0F9FDB28 810 510 810 510
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:That is too far away.
NET : Get_Item_Failed That is too far away.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
PingStep NextTimeUpdateDetected t/next 442778 503747
Gui_StopMouseMoveWidget table: 0F209FB8 955 621 735 542
Gui_StopMouseMoveWidget table: 0F209FB8 735 542 735 542
dragdrop:drop on mousepickhit
Gui_StopMouseMoveWidget table: 1D6C7FE0 605 419 605 419
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:That is too far away.
NET : Get_Item_Failed That is too far away.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
Gui_StopMouseMoveWidget table: 1D6C7FE0 605 419 475 425
Gui_StopMouseMoveWidget table: 0F9FDB28 810 510 646 408
FMOD error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 118 56 0
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 118 56 0
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 024328A8 nil
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 94 45 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
Gui_StopMouseMoveWidget table: 1D6C7FE0 475 425 695 405
Gui_StopMouseMoveWidget table: 1D6C7FE0 695 405 485 420
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 110 84 0
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 78 91 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 110 84 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
Gui_StopMouseMoveWidget table: 1D6C7FE0 485 420 458 425
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 111 67 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 94 45 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 024328A8 nil
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 96 93 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
FMOD error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 110 114 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
PingStep NextTimeUpdateDetected t/next 503774 564759
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 65535 65535 0
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
Gui_StopMouseMoveWidget table: 1D6C7FE0 458 425 469 431
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 78 91 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 78 91 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 78 91 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 false
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 96 93 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 78 91 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 110 84 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 75 75 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
dragdrop:drop on container table: 0F59EA70 1429680605 true
#### drop on other item in container : 96 93 0
MacroCmd_RiseText Get_Item_Failed:The item was destroyed.
NET : Get_Item_Failed The item was destroyed.
NET : Drop_Item_OK --> nothing todo?
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 024328A8 nil

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:27 pm 
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Joined: Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:28 pm
Posts: 823
Location: Munich, Bavaria, Germany
update and try again, hue for elf corpse should be set to the human one now, i wonder if this'll help.

also try the leftclick on the corpse with the broken menu again and post me the output on console please, i added some debug output

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:12 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:40 am
Posts: 32
Location: Deutschland, TH

###### START INGAME #####
Renderer2D:SetZoom 1
Welcome to Iris
WARNING ! playerbody serial changed old,new= 0 12814149
#### MapChangeRequest=0
gMapIndex 0
Loading Map id 0
Loading Map name Felucca
Loading Map terrain C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/map0.mul
Loading Static static idx C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/
Loading Static static C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/statics0.mul
cFullFileLoader(C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/statics0.mul) : 20.0
cFullFileLoader(C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/staidx0.mul) : 4.5 M
cStaticBlockLoader_IndexedFullFile miMapW=768
DEBUG C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/map0.mul a4ca4ea7fcfe228d
DEBUG C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/staidx0.mul d3ca24ac88ee6ffb
DEBUG C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/statics0.mul e1d8e050
3b_small_s.png exists
WARNING ! kPacket_Generic_Command : subcmd 0x18 (used=41 size=49) popped to few
todo : 2dmode : UpdateDynamicItemPos
NET: attack refused
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 02F74E90 nil
HandlePartySystemMessage, subsubcmd,totalsize= 2 11
kPartySubCmd_RemoveMembers: list cleared 12814149
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading temp1
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=11 full_len=13 typeid=0xdf,si
multitexterrain:LoadNearbyData zunit switch
warning, cUOSpriteBlock:AddAnim load uoanim failed 523 105 999
1002 fallback 13 5
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 02F74E90 table: 1525F6E8
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading argumentsmode_end
DEBUG kPacket_BuffDebuff_System 45 1 19513 19469
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=44 full_len=45 typeid=0xdf,si
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading temp1
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=11 full_len=13 typeid=0xdf,si
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading argumentsmode_end
DEBUG kPacket_BuffDebuff_System 45 1 19933 19889
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=44 full_len=45 typeid=0xdf,si
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading temp1
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=11 full_len=13 typeid=0xdf,si
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading argumentsmode_end
DEBUG kPacket_BuffDebuff_System 45 1 19991 19947
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=44 full_len=45 typeid=0xdf,si
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading temp1
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=11 full_len=13 typeid=0xdf,si
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading argumentsmode_end
DEBUG kPacket_BuffDebuff_System 45 1 20049 20005
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=44 full_len=45 typeid=0xdf,si
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading temp1
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=11 full_len=13 typeid=0xdf,si
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading argumentsmode_end
DEBUG kPacket_BuffDebuff_System 45 1 20107 20063
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=44 full_len=45 typeid=0xdf,si
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading temp1
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=11 full_len=13 typeid=0xdf,si
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading argumentsmode_end
DEBUG kPacket_BuffDebuff_System 45 1 20165 20121
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=44 full_len=45 typeid=0xdf,si
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading temp1
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=11 full_len=13 typeid=0xdf,si
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading argumentsmode_end
DEBUG kPacket_BuffDebuff_System 45 1 20223 20179
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=44 full_len=45 typeid=0xdf,si
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 02F74E90 table: 1525F6E8
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading temp1
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=11 full_len=13 typeid=0xdf,si
walk:received accept movement with unknown seqnum 0
######## walk : ResyncRequest
walk:received accept movement with unknown seqnum 1
walk:received accept movement with unknown seqnum 2
PingStep NextTimeUpdateDetected t/next 76846 137815
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 02F74E90 table: 1525F6E8
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading argumentsmode_end
DEBUG kPacket_BuffDebuff_System 45 1 41114 41070
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=44 full_len=45 typeid=0xdf,si
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading argumentsmode_end
DEBUG kPacket_BuffDebuff_System 45 1 43001 42957
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=44 full_len=45 typeid=0xdf,si
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 02F74E90 table: 1525F6E8
Skill Mace Fighting is now 16.9 -> 0.1
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading temp1
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=11 full_len=13 typeid=0xdf,si
PingStep NextTimeUpdateDetected t/next 137874 198842
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 02F74E90 table: 1525F6E8
Skill Anatomy is now 43.0 -> 0.1
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading argumentsmode_end
DEBUG kPacket_BuffDebuff_System 45 1 53971 53927
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=44 full_len=45 typeid=0xdf,si
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 02F74E90 table: 1525F6E8
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading temp1
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=11 full_len=13 typeid=0xdf,si
Skill Mace Fighting is now 17.0 -> 0.1
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading temp1
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=11 full_len=13 typeid=0xdf,si
PingStep NextTimeUpdateDetected t/next 198886 259870
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 02F74E90 table: 1525F6E8
Skill Mace Fighting is now 17.1 -> 0.1
Skill Anatomy is now 43.1 -> 0.1
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading temp1
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=11 full_len=13 typeid=0xdf,si
EditText SetFocus table: 0EFFB820
Skill Mace Fighting is now 17.2 -> 0.1
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 02F74E90 table: 1525F6E8
WARNING: kPacket_BuffDebuff_System underrun while reading temp1
WARNING : packet was not fully processed, used_len=11 full_len=13 typeid=0xdf,si
kPacket_Generic_SubCommand_DisplayPopup unknown,nument,rest,rest_per_ent=
0 1 1 4 4
WARNING: kPacket_Generic_SubCommand_DisplayPopup underrun2 0

Das hier siht vielversprechender aus.
###### START INGAME #####
Renderer2D:SetZoom 1
Welcome to Iris
WARNING ! playerbody serial changed old,new= 0 13602957
#### MapChangeRequest=0
gMapIndex 0
Loading Map id 0
Loading Map name Felucca
Loading Map terrain C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/map0.mul
Loading Static static idx C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/
Loading Static static C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/statics0.mul
cFullFileLoader(C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/statics0.mul) : 20.0
cFullFileLoader(C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/staidx0.mul) : 4.5 M
cStaticBlockLoader_IndexedFullFile miMapW=768
DEBUG C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/map0.mul a4ca4ea7fcfe228d
DEBUG C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/staidx0.mul d3ca24ac88ee6ffb
DEBUG C:/Users/Karybu/Saved Games/Pergon (Neuste)/statics0.mul e1d8e050
3b_small_s.png exists
WARNING ! kPacket_Generic_Command : subcmd 0x18 (used=41 size=49) popped to few
todo : 2dmode : UpdateDynamicItemPos
NET: attack refused
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 0F1820F0 nil
HandlePartySystemMessage, subsubcmd,totalsize= 2 11
kPartySubCmd_RemoveMembers: list cleared 13602957
multitexterrain:LoadNearbyData zunit switch
kPacket_Generic_SubCommand_DisplayPopup unknown,nument,rest,rest_per_ent=
0 1 1 4 4
WARNING: kPacket_Generic_SubCommand_DisplayPopup underrun2 0
EditText SetFocus table: 0ED4B848
EditText SetFocus table: 0ED4B848
SendChat Move
#sendchat,plain ENU
cAnim::CheckReadAdress(offset=615,neededsize=3772,context='Decode:FrameRun') fai
led datalen=918 miID=74753
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 0F1820F0 nil
kPacket_Generic_SubCommand_DisplayPopup unknown,nument,rest,rest_per_ent=
0 1 1 4 4
WARNING: kPacket_Generic_SubCommand_DisplayPopup underrun2 0
PingStep NextTimeUpdateDetected t/next 84178 145147
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 0F1820F0 nil
FMOD error! (36) An invalid object handle was used.
###ShardListSavePlayerMobile table: 0F1820F0 nil

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