No offense, but you sound like you have no skill at all
and just want to be part of this to tell your friends
how cool you are!
The "developer" is probably a kid who just wrote his first visual basic program.
Still no offense, that's just what my common sense tells me and it's trained since I run a big gaming related forum with thousands of kids.
Why am I posting here? Probably cause I am watching the Iris project since several years and just red this ridiculous post.
And hey, would you mind porting it to my psp, too?
Shouldn't take you too long since they ported linux already!
(Without any hardware support, but hey... would be too easy anyway

Man I just googled for the wii stuff, their xserver isn't even outputting properly.
And you'd have to port most of the stuff, you'd have to write a driver for the gpu as well as porting most of the code to the gpu since the cpu isn't powerful at all. (Like for most consoles.)
How about, forget about it?
A mac port sounds doable, but I haven't red enough about Iris to tell for sure.
Though I'd go with wine, sounds like the easy way
Uhm yeah the ultimate Idea, port wine to wii and simply start iris? XD
So far... Dekar
Actually... I might spend some time to help this project, do you still need 2d graphics or is this already fulfilled?
I think I red you wanted to get rid of the Origin/EA graphics.
I don't have that much time cause of my own projects and there are some exams at university this month, though could do you some graphics after.