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 Post subject: Iris2 Port To Wii!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:44 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 01, 2006 10:53 pm
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EDIT: A developer named Tinte is going to try and port orgre to Wii then it will be easier for Iris2 to be ported as well.

Heres a couple links:
Ogre 3D Graphics Engine Port
Iris2 3D UO Client Script for GlovePie (use Wiimote on PC)

Last edited by Link_of_Hyrule on Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:35 am, edited 4 times in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:27 am 
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do you plan to use ogre or replace the currently used graphic engine?

perhaps this is interesting:


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:28 pm 
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@Link_of_Hyrule: i don't like forks very much. Maybe you as us to create a repository on our svn for you.

Too much sites with iris and too much splitted information are not good for a project.

And i think, that we can help much more often, if you use our svn and forum. (esp. for svn merging new things into iris).

Nevertheless, first try to port Ogre3d -> and then try to port Iris2 :-).

So ... i would suggest you to close this page until you have a working Ogre3d port for Wii.

It's an interesting Idea and i also thought of it, but to port Ogre3D to consoles is not a small project. I'm Maintainer of the Ogre3D MinGW SDK and you could not imaging how hard it is to update and build the release SDK on Windows. So a port is much more work and several people tryed or talked about it in the Ogre Forum. But no one has made it.


_________________ |!/crank_gaming

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:45 am 

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I have very limited coding experience so I've been trying to get someone to do most the coding I my self will do mostly testing and server end things at this point nothing is set in stone I just set up the site to gather more support maybe find more experienced people to help with the project but I see your point about having project forks any help you can give would be awesome hopefully we can get the project moving the developer I was talking too sounded pretty confident that it could be ported easily. Because there is now a working linux distribution (debian etch port) on Wii he may use parts of it in the application like other people have done in the past for other applications. I've closed down the page because if your willing to help with the project and host files on ur svn theres no need for it.

heres a couple links you might want to look at (if you look on this page there is a lua port for wii as well as many other things)

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:21 am 
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ok. I create a Forum thread about Iris2 ports. It's also interesting for me, because i want to compile Iris2 for my new MacBook.

If the Wii runs most Debian components (esp. gcc, freeimage, ois, freetype, opengl), it should be not that big problem to compile ogre3d.

One Problem, you can't use CG on this hardware. Maybe the Wii support GLSL Opengl Shaders?

Maybe the Wii hardware limits make some problems.

We will create a svn-repository, if you send us the first code? Ok?

_________________ |!/crank_gaming

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:16 pm 
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i don't mind forks at all *g*. maybe there's some project to port ogre3d to wii already ? (ogre3d forums maybe)

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 11:48 pm 

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Ok I'm going to send the developer an email telling him that your going to host files.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:42 am 
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No offense, but you sound like you have no skill at all
and just want to be part of this to tell your friends
how cool you are!
The "developer" is probably a kid who just wrote his first visual basic program.
Still no offense, that's just what my common sense tells me and it's trained since I run a big gaming related forum with thousands of kids.
Why am I posting here? Probably cause I am watching the Iris project since several years and just red this ridiculous post.

And hey, would you mind porting it to my psp, too?
Shouldn't take you too long since they ported linux already!
(Without any hardware support, but hey... would be too easy anyway ;) )
Man I just googled for the wii stuff, their xserver isn't even outputting properly.
And you'd have to port most of the stuff, you'd have to write a driver for the gpu as well as porting most of the code to the gpu since the cpu isn't powerful at all. (Like for most consoles.)

How about, forget about it?
A mac port sounds doable, but I haven't red enough about Iris to tell for sure.
Though I'd go with wine, sounds like the easy way ;)
Uhm yeah the ultimate Idea, port wine to wii and simply start iris? XD

So far... Dekar

Actually... I might spend some time to help this project, do you still need 2d graphics or is this already fulfilled?
I think I red you wanted to get rid of the Origin/EA graphics.
I don't have that much time cause of my own projects and there are some exams at university this month, though could do you some graphics after.

The bad in the world is hard to hear when in your ear a banana cheers - so go and put a banana in your ear!

In the world of thinking we are all immigrants. (Robert Nozick)

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:37 pm 
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Hi Dekar. If you wanna help us, you can design a new gui layout. The new Guisystem is almost perfect and i think if you wanna do a completly new gui style you have to recreate all clientside gui gumps:

-compass (only if we support different skins)
-secure trade
-spell icons
-weaponskill icons

i think this are all clientgumps. There are several other threads regarding to a new gui-design.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:45 pm 

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Dekar you obviously didn't read thru this topic very well did you? I'm hardly a kid I'll be 20 very soon. I can do plenty of other things to be "cool" with my friends I don't need to fake developing something I'm not capable of. Yes I lack the ability to port this as you have stated but if you had read my posts you would know that I found an interested developer to do the main coding and I would be doing testing and server side things because I am familiar with the server software RunUO as I have in the past run my own server for many years before. I have previously stated that I would not be the main coder. All I am trying to do is find people that are more able to code then I am and help in other ways that I can help out with.

About the xserver comment obviously you don't need to go thru it for an application to run because they already have a few games running on it with out a gui as well as a port of GeeXboX which has an interface. The port of iris could just use parts of linux in a similar fashion as GeeXbox and other linux based Wii ports that way you don't actually have to boot up Wii linux to use it. I pay very close attention to the community and I know of someone that has gotten the xserver to run properly with a gui and other features running that have not been released as of yet but has give proof to support his claims. Anyways if the developer replies and work does start on this well awesome if not oh well another day another developer maybe when I get back from my mission that I'm leaving on at the end of the year I can learn what I need to so I can port it my self but as of now I have limited abilities to do so in that I can only support the project in other ways such as testing and server side help. I hope that in the future you will be more helpful to the community and that work on iris can keep going and continue to be as awesome as ever.

Anyways back on topic still no reply back from the developer since I sent that email I'm just going to assume at this point it is because he doesn't check his email or hasn't been online since I last talked to him I'm going to try and contact him on the irc channel(#WiiHelp its a channel for Wii homebrew developers on I met him in.

EDIT: well I'm going to try and gather some more support from the other communities(wiibrew and orgre3d forums) to maybe get someone to port ogre over lets hope someone takes an interest :) I talked some of the other Wii devs about porting ogre and they said that its very possible because it runs on mac(which until recently were powerpc based) and linux already so thats hopeful.

EDIT: I finally got back in contact with the developer his username is Tinte anyways he said he really wants to port orge and that he has 4 years programming experience in the gamedev industry and that he has worked with orgre before but he is new to wii homebrew I'm still looking for another person that has more experience with Wii stuff but I'm sure after gets some stuff to show that will be a lot easier.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:33 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:19 pm
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so, i am in, yes. I will write a paper on vision i have about the port first. Also, it could be good, if somebody experienced in graphics wrote down his thought about materials system. I am pretty sure we will not get cg on wii. So there will be some kind of substitutuion on fixed pipeline and way to map ogre materials to it.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:42 pm 

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Well I'm glad you finally got in I look forward to seeing your paper even though i probably won't understand most of it :D

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:43 am 
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You should get in contact with tthe ogre community and devs. I know there where an pocketpc port of ogre some time ago and there are lots of talks about porting ogre to consoles.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:55 am 
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- Non-accelerated 2D video hardware (VI)
- Note: correct RGB framebuffer support requires our SDL library port
- Note: video mode settings do not account for TV overscan
Source: ... d_Hardware

So you have to deal with Overscan (easy)
And no 3d acceleration. Actually not even 2d acceleration.
I really wanna see that :D (Software emulated 1/2 fps?)

So I think making it Linux based isn't even worth mentioning for the moment.

The bad in the world is hard to hear when in your ear a banana cheers - so go and put a banana in your ear!

In the world of thinking we are all immigrants. (Robert Nozick)

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:11 am 

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well I'm sure that tinte can figure something out the hardware is obviously capable of generating graphics as good if not better then what iris has don't be so pessimistic.

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