I can login into both shards. UODemise, UOGamers and UODefiance. (UODefiance has some custom mods., you can't really use Iris on this server).
Please turn on all DebugInfos, put the following into your "data\config.lua" File.
gDebugCategories.loading = true
gDebugCategories.sound = true
gDebugCategories.mobile = true
gDebugCategories.animation = true
gDebugCategories.granny = true
gDebugCategories.static = true
gDebugCategories.walking = true
gDebugCategories.net = true
gDebugCategories.skill = true
gDebugCategories.missing = true
gDebugCategories.gump = true
gDebugCategories.login = true
gDebugCategories.multi = true
gDebugCategories.player = true
gDebugCategories.equip = true
gDebugCategories.effect = true
Start Iris form commandshell (cmd.exe) like this (you have to change the Path:
c:\Iris2\bin\Iris2.exe >dump.txt
1. Tell us what is in dump.txt
2. Tell us what you have in your config.lua (remove passwords before posting it).
hint: you don't have to ffw ports on your server.