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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:03 am 
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Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:20 pm
Posts: 1431
Iris2 (win32 build) was updated last night to Ogre 1.61.

This should solve the jitter shadow problems. Please test and give feedback to this thread.

At the end of this we build a new Iris2 release.

As usual, there are plenty of bugfixes in this release, and in addition we have now officially switched over to a faster memory allocator by default (nedmalloc) - this was available in 1.6.0 but was not the default to allow for more testing before it was put live, which has now been done. This change makes it doubly important that you have read and understood the porting notes for 1.6, particularly the sections that mention memory allocation, since the use of a custom allocator would expose unresolved problems in your codebase if you didn't address them during the 1.6.0 upgrade. Full details of the changes in this release are after the jump. Changes since 1.6.0:

* Shadows
o LiSPSM now automatically adjusts for duelling frusta
o Uniform shadow camera is now independent of FOV for directional shadows
o Directional shadows no longer jitter when using the uniform shadow camera
o Fix PSSMShadowCameraSetup when using arbitrary number of split points

* Memory
o Nedmalloc deallocator should deal with null pointers
o Nedmalloc is now the default allocator
o Linux build now has option to change allocators

* Materials
o cubic_texture now calls processTextureNames event properly
o Fixed support for multi-line comments
o Fixed script inheritance ordering bug
o Fixed extra space being added to the parameters of texture_source in scripts
o High-level shaders can now be reloaded properly after a compile error

* DirectX9
o Fix device reset error when using hardware occlusion queries

* DirectX10
o Fixed compilation on the November 08 DirectX SDK
o Image pitch bug fixed

* OpenGL
o Fix crash on Radeon 9200 in _setPointParameters
o GTK fullscreen mode now works

o Fix warnings of the form “Could not find vertex shader attribute 'vertex' to match BindAttributeLocation request”
o Fix custom attribute names (tangent, blendWeights etc) interfering with user-specified 'varying' bindings that happen to be called the same thing
o Fix “Invalid Enumerant” errors caused by trial-and-error binding of custom attributes

* OS X
o Fixed plist link for OctreeZone project
o Make sure OgreMemoryNedMalloc.h is copied during Framework bundling

* Code::Blocks
o Project files updated to include PCZ plugins & sample
o GL render system project updated to include render to vertex buffer

* PCZ SceneManager
o Texture shadows now work correctly in PCZ scene manager
o Null and infinite AABBs now handled correctly

* Tangent support
o StaticGeometry now supports tangent parity option
o Allow texture coordinate index 0 to be used for tangents if required (previously only the tangent semantic, or texture coordinate 1 or higher were supported)

* Pixel buffers
o Some blit functions were ignoring the left/top/front offsets, this is fixed
o HardwarePixelBuffer::lock implementations should not return the same left/top/front offsets as the incoming parameters, since the returned pointer is already offset
o Box now has a safer default construction, in particular setting front/back to 0/1

* Linux / GLX
o Xt is now the default GUI on Linux instead of GTK (if installed)
o Do not correct window size to valid fullscreen mode in windowed mode
o Fix typo in closing GLX window

* Fixed animation update for entities using the same Skeleton at all LOD levels
* MeshSerializer can now load submeshes without indices successfully
* Hardware SRGB option is now properly registered when using background loaded textures
* In SceneManager::_manualRender, shader params for view/projection are now updated correctly
* Fixed bugs with sky boxes / domes etc when repeatedly clearing the scene & resetting
* Fix calculated SubMesh size in .mesh when using 16-bit indices
* Manually changing the sort mode of solids in a render queue now works as expected
* Fix precision error in AnimationState::hasEnded
* Allow access to const version of OverlayElement factory list.
* Allow setMaterial() on Entity/SubEntity as well as setMaterialName, for efficiency
* STLport build option fixed
* Fixed uninitialised typeName in Exception
* Fix various compiler warnings


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