Hello everyone
After changing some graphics settings, it's impossible to start the Client again.
probing: ..//lua/main.lua
probing: ..//lugre/lua/
lua main file: ..//lua/main.lua
lua lugre dir: ..//lugre/lua/
main working dir: ../
MainWorkingDir ../
lugreluapath ..//lugre/lua/
LoadShardList defianceuo.com C:\Users\Markus Loosli\AppData\Roaming/.iris/con
fig/shards/defianceuo.com.xml .xml
LoadShardList Jarrys (chinese) C:\Users\Markus Loosli\AppData\Roaming/.
iris/config/shards/Jarrys (chinese).xml .xml
LoadShardList localhost C:\Users\Markus Loosli\AppData\Roaming/.iris/con
fig/shards/localhost.xml .xml
LoadShardList oblivion C:\Users\Markus Loosli\AppData\Roaming/.iris/con
fig/shards/oblivion.xml .xml
LoadShardList uo-even C:\Users\Markus Loosli\AppData\Roaming/.iris/config/shar
ds/uo-even.xml .xml
LoadShardList uogamers.com C:\Users\Markus Loosli\AppData\Roaming/.iris/con
fig/shards/uogamers.com.xml .xml
LoadShardList vetus-mundus C:\Users\Markus Loosli\AppData\Roaming/.iris/con
fig/shards/vetus-mundus.xml .xml
gGraphicProfile ultrahigh
Setting Graphicprofile: ../lua/profiles/gfx_ultrahigh.lua
auto-detected uo path: C:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\Ultima Online Mondain's
uo protocol version used by iris 6092
Lua version : 5.1
Ogre platform : win32
loading plugin ../plugins/example.lua
loading plugin ../plugins/hudenemylist.lua
loading plugin ../plugins/itemcounter.lua
loading plugin ../plugins/lib.spellbar.lua
loading plugin ../plugins/loot.lua
loading plugin ../plugins/minergrid.lua
loading plugin ../plugins/moblist.lua
warning, ImportRazorProfile file not found C:/Program Files/Razor/Profiles/
warning, ImportRazorProfile file not found C:/Program Files/Razor/Profiles/
initializing ogre...
OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR /usr/local/lib/OGRE
### GfxConfig_Apply...
### gfx config detected a crash, restoring factory settings
############## gfxconfig {[1]="Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem",[2]="OpenGL
Rendering Subsystem",}
GfxConfig_FindDefaultRenderSystem OpenGL Rendering Subsystem bPreferO
penGL: true
ConfigDialog_SetGlobalVal gGfxConfig_RenderSystem nil
ConfigDialog_SetGlobalVal gGfxConfig_Resolution nil
ConfigDialog_SetGlobalVal gGfxConfig_Fullscreen nil
ConfigDialog_SetGlobalVal gGfxConfig_AntiAliasing nil
>>>gGfxConfig_RenderSystem >Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem<
>>>gGfxConfig_Resolution >nil<
>>>gGfxConfig_Fullscreen >nil<
>>>gGfxConfig_AntiAliasing >nil<
GfxConfig_FindDefaultResolution 1024 x 768 @ 32-bit colour
################## fsaa: {[1]="None",[2]="NonMaskable 1",[3]="NonMaskable
2",[4]="NonMaskable 3",[5]="Level 2",[6]="Level 4",[7]="Level 8",}
GfxConfig_FindDefaultAntiAliasing None
>>>gGfxConfig_RenderSystem >Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem<
>>>gGfxConfig_Resolution >1024 x 768 @ 32-bit colour<
>>>gGfxConfig_Fullscreen >false<
>>>gGfxConfig_AntiAliasing >None<
GfxConfig_SetOgreConfig: value set >Anti aliasing< >None<
GfxConfig_SetOgreConfig: value set >Full Screen< >No<
GfxConfig_SetOgreConfig: value set >Video Mode< >1024 x 768 @ 32-bit col
unknown exception
[C]: in function `OgreCreateWindow'
..//lua/main.lua:505: in function <..//lua/main.lua:459>
ERROR : unknown exception occurred
If this error remains after running the updater and you think this is a bug
please check the BugTracker at www.iris2.de
and report it if it is not already known.
Please also append the logfile in bin/stacktrace.log to your bugreport.
I've already patched to stable and latest, but it still doesn't work.
Iris also has full Read/Writing permissions on the directory.
OS is Windows Vista 64-bit, 4GB of Ram, Graphics is an Ati Radeon 4870.
thanks in advance